For the last 8 years I have been riding my age on my birthday. Well, not on my birthday, as I spend that day with my family. This is not always an easy task as I am a January baby and live in the northeast. Today the weather broke and it was a balmy mid 30's. I was a bit concerned as I have not been on my bike in 2 weeks due to our deep freeze. I am also getting older and the miles are adding up. I was coming up 2 miles short so I changed my route only to add that 1 extra good luck mile I was not intending to do. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment in something I truly enjoy. I hope these photos help depict this beautiful ride. Horses wearing winter coats, 2 of my favorite beautiful greeting dogs, general beautiful scenery, cows that love to have their pictures taken, grand old oak tree, chickens and old farm house, and my mileage with that 1 extra good luck mile.