Another thing happened. I found the trike was shimmying or oscillating, when I hit a bump and did not have my hands on the bars. This became so annoying I was ready to scrap the fairing. I recently read on the BROL news group another T owner having the same problem with his T only no fairing. It was advised to check all bolts and toe in.
As it turned out my headsets on both sides were very loose. I tightened the headsets, secured everything and went for a 16mi spin. The fairing was tight as a drum, no shimmy or oscillating over bumps and I was able to pedal in a straight line hands off, which I could never do before.
Fixing one problem lead to fixing a potentially dangerous other problem.
In conclusion the weight of the fairing is unnoticeable, helps in head winds, keeps me warmer for winter riding and has increased the cool factor.
Loving the ride!!!