The trike arrived by truck in a large box attached to a skid by straps and a bolt. This was to make sure the bike traveled in the proper position. I removed it from the skid and laid it down as you see it. I opened the back and took a peak. There it was finally after 2 months, my new ride. I carefully cut open the box. It was covered in plastic wrap and added cardboard cushions in strategic locations. Zip ties also attached securing the chains. I carefully removed all protective wraps. Assembly was a snap. I attached the front wheel, adjusted the seat and handlebars and it was ready to ride. Unfortunately, it is raining today and I was only able to take down the block and back. Tires were inflated and gears seemed well adjusted. I mounted my computer, mirror and the handlebar mount for my fairing. After that all I can do is sit on it and admire. I will be working the next 2 days so further setup and test riding will have to wait.
It was nice getting out for a 36 miler on this beautiful Saturday. Temps in the 40's, light wind and plenty of sunshine. Everybody was out enjoying the day. There were cyclists, dog walkers, runners and kids playing. Everyone seemed in a good mood.