Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Coming Along

Power has been restored to my home and most of the immediate area. My son, on the other hand, still has no power and my job, at a long term care facility, remains on emergency generator power. We are slowly returning to normalcy. Gas stations, stores and banks are open and people are returning to work. Schools are to open next week. It was great to see my neighbors open their doors and hearts to the kids Trick or Treating yesterday. My 4 yr old grandson had a ball going out in his Ninja Turtle costume. He came back hrs later with a bucket full of candy. Today I planned on taking my bike east to the Jersey Shore to see first hand Sandy's devastation. This past week had taken it's toll on my body and mind and I slept in 2 extra hrs. I was in no rush to get on my bike on this cold Fall day. It was well after 10 when I finally bundled up to vote. I was not sure how well I would fair for the 50+ mile ride to the shore. Instead I headed west were I new the roads would be open and I could forget life for a while. Although it was a nice relaxing 33 mile ride, the army of utility workers trucks, occasional hums of generators, down trees and lines, roof repairs and general cleanup was a constant reminder of Sandy's destruction.


jakay said...

Interesting to read a first hand account of the destruction, its been top of the news here in the UK, we get big storms here in Scotland but nothing like the ferocity of your ones! Good luck and good to hear you've been back out on the bike!

Marty Garnick said...

Thanks for your concern. I am lucky compared to others. You don't realize the magnitude of disasters until it hits home.