The correct number of bikes to own is N+1 (number of bikes = N + one new one). The minimum being three. Nice if you can do it but the grass is not always greener. I first have to decide which bike to ride. If I haven't ridden that bike for a while my legs are sore. Each bike has a different seating style using different muscles. Alternating bikes puts my muscles in a state of flux. I have to re-acclimate them. When it's been awhile, the first few miles are,
What did I see in this bike? Then it's,
That's what I'm talkin about. The longer I stay with one bike the stronger, faster and easier it is to pedal. I can concentrate on the ride not the bike which is what it's all about. Don't get me wrong I am fortunate to own some high-end bikes but it was a lot easier when I had one bike at a time. Sometimes I want to sell off some of the herd but I go,
No I need that for... Then I start drooling over a new trike out and thinking,
Wouldn't it be great to have. It starts to get insanely complicated. The simple fact is, it doesn't matter what I ride as long as I ride.